Immunity-Boosting Fruits You Should Be Eating This Winter

Photo by Robson Melo on Unsplash

Even if winter happens to be your favorite season, you must admit it’s pretty difficult to keep your health in check. Temperatures are dropping and we’re all less active than before, so it’s important to give our immune system a boost by eating healthy and adding these fruits to our daily menus.


One of the best things about apples is that you can find them at your local supermarket all year long, and they always taste equally delicious. The famous phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” exists for a reason, and this fruit is packed with so many vitamins and antioxidants that it’s truly the ultimate superfood.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are an amazing source of vitamin C and that’s one of the reasons why they’re so amazing for your immune system. With so many options to choose from, it’s impossible not to find the one you like, and you can eat them fresh or include them in many healthy recipes.


Kiwis are another amazing source of the immune-boosting vitamin C, and their tangy and sweet flavor is impossible to resist. Due to the high level of potassium, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber they contain, kiwis are great for both your immune system and digestive health.