If You’re Not Into Meal Prep, Prepping These Ingredients Will Still Really Change Your Life

Meal prepping can be too intense for some people, but even if you don’t want to go all out, there are still some things you can prepare at the beginning of the week to make your life easier and healthier.


Onions are so important to cooking, whether it’s the base of a soup or sauce or whatever else, onions provide key flavor in almost every cuisine. Instead of taking the time to chop them up every time you need them, do a big batch of onions and store them in a glass container, so you can take as little or as much as you need whenever.


Making your own vegetable broth is super easy, and it helps you make better rice, legumes, and more. Just save all your scraps in a container in your fridge or freezer, take them out and boil them in water, and then save it to use throughout the week.


It’s always better to reach for a piece of fruit instead of a bag of chips, but some fruits like mango, pineapple, and even oranges can feel like too much work if you’re lazy. Instead, cut them up at the beginning of the week so you can munch on them whenever you get a snack craving.