How to Take the Best Food Photos for Instagram

Photo of pies
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Taking perfect food photos for your Instagram feed requires some skill and patience, but learning just a few basic tricks can immediately step up your game. Check out three great tips on how to take great food photos like a pro.

Perfect Light

Finding the perfect light is the number one rule for taking quality food photos because this is something that you won’t be able to fix later in the editing process. Plenty of natural light will make the food on the plate more appealing, and that’s why it’s best to shoot the photos by a big window.

Try Different Angles

Finding the perfect shooting angle is also one of the things that can drastically improve the quality of your photos. At first, you probably want to experiment by shooting the food from different perspectives, because this is the best way to learn. But the most common angles in food photography are the overhead angle, 45° angle, and eye level.

Use the Right Props

When setting the stage for your photos you want to use props that are relevant, that look natural, and can bring something to the photo. For example, you can use veggies to add color when shooting plant-based meals or decorate with actual ingredients that you’ve used for preparing a certain recipe.