How to Store Your Mushrooms So They Don’t Get Slimy

Image via Pixabay

There are few things in the kitchen quite as frustrating as a slimy mushroom. But even worse is knowing that you could’ve prevented it by simply storing it the right way. When mushrooms are fresh, they taste incredible whether you sauté them, roast them, or eat them raw. Here’s how to make sure your mushrooms stay fresh and delicious.


You’ll notice that most supermarkets will package mushrooms themselves, and that is by design. They generally know what they’re doing, so as long as you store it in the fridge until you eat them, you’re good to go. If you don’t eat them all at once, cover it back up tightly with a plastic wrap.

Paper Bag

If you buy your mushrooms unpackaged at a Farmer’s Market or elsewhere, a good way to store them is in a paper bag. The paper bag will absorb any moisture released by the mushrooms as they age, keeping them fresh and good to go.


As you might expect, keeping your mushrooms in the freezer will also help them retain their freshness. However, while they’ll be fresh, the texture of your mushrooms may be compromised in the process. So don’t use this method unless you have no other choice.