How to Store Your Lime Juice and Keep It Fresh For Longer

Lime juice
Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash

You can juice all sorts of citrus fruits to get tasty and refreshing juice, and limes are no different. Lime juice is best known for its sour and acidic flavor, but that’s not stopping it from being a common ingredient in many recipes. If you want to save your lime juice for later, it’s extremely important to store it properly, and these useful tips will help you get it done.

Dark Containers

You can technically store your lime juice in pretty much any type of container, ranging from glass bottles to airtight bags, but dark containers are your best bet. Your lime juice can go bad faster if it’s exposed to excessive light, and that’s why you should use opaque containers.

Ice Cube Trays

If you’re thinking of preserving your lime juice for longer, ice cube trays will help you get the job done. Pour the lime juice into your ice cube trays and let them freeze before storing them in an airtight container. You can use lime cubes for 3-4 months when stored this way.

Smaller Amounts

Even if you master the art of properly storing your lime juice, keep in mind that it’s always best used fresh. It can lose some of its nutritional value over time, so it’s best to drink it or use it in your desserts, soups, or salads within twenty-four hours and stick to squeezing smaller amounts at once.