How to Store Vegetables So That They Last Longer

Vegetables in the fridge
Photo by Ello on Unsplash

As if it weren’t hard enough to get the recommended daily servings of vegetables into our diet, the shelf-life of many of the most delicious veggies is frustratingly short. It seems like half the leafy greens we buy end up wilted in a matter of days, and root veggies become soft before we’re able to use them.

Freezing can work to preserve certain vegetables, but it can also change the texture and limit the recipes we can use them for later. Fortunately, there are a few tips and tricks we’ve discovered that have helped us keep the vegetables we buy fresh for longer. If you can relate to our struggle, give them a try.

Leafy Greens

Greens need moisture to stay crisp and fresh, but too much will make them soggy and wilted. The best way to prolong the life of lettuce, kale, and other greens is to store them in a container lined with damp paper towels. Just be sure that the towels aren’t soaking wet.


Carrots, like greens, need the right amount of moisture to maintain their crunchy texture. The most important thing to do when storing carrots is to remove the leafy green tops. Then, place your unpeeled carrots in a container of water in the fridge until you’re ready to use them. Change the water every few days if you plan to store them for a longer period.


Unlike other vegetables, your potatoes will go bad much more quickly if stored in the fridge. Potatoes should be kept in a dark, cool place like a pantry. The temperature of your refrigerator is too cold and will cause the starches in potatoes to break down.