How to Stop Emotional Eating

Photo by Marcel Heil on Unsplash

Emotional eating is a way of coping with negative emotions by reaching for comfort foods. Here are some useful tips on how to stop eating when you’re not hungry.

Identify the Triggers

The first step towards stopping emotional eating is to learn what causes you to eat when you’re not hungry. Writing a food journal is one of the best ways to identify the triggers of emotional eating. Keeping track of your meals and emotions can help you figure out whether you snack because you’re nervous, or it’s just out of habit or boredom.

Get Rid of Comfort Food

The best way to avoid binge eating is to get rid of all comfort foods in your fridge and pantry that you’re likely to eat when feeling emotional. Avoid buying unhealthy snacks such as chocolates, chips, and ice cream next time you go grocery shopping. Stock up on healthy foods like fruits and veggies that you can eat without feeling guilty.

Develop Healthy Habits

Next time you’re feeling stressed or bored, find alternative ways to deal with these emotions. If you need a way to relax, try meditation or exercise instead of eating. When you’re tired or bored, go out for a walk or find other ways to boost energy without reaching for food.