How to Replace Alcohol in Cooking

Pasta sauce cooking
Photo by Gary Barnes/Pexels

Alcohol is much more than just a form of entertainment or a way to relax after a stressful day; it’s also a culinary staple used to tenderize meat and provide flavor to a wide variety of dishes. However, whether for health, religious, or personal reasons, some people prefer to avoid foods containing booze, and it’s important to note that food needs to be cooked for about three hours for all traces of alcohol to evaporate completely. Even longer cooking times aren’t necessarily a guarantee, and as three hours would be too much for most dishes, it’s usually easier to forgo alcohol and replace it with another ingredient. Here are a few of the best alternatives.

Vinegar & Fruit Juices

When a recipe calls for white wine or vermouth, try using white a few tablespoons of wine vinegar or a mixture of apple and lemon juice instead. Add a little at a time, tasting as you go until you reach a level of acidity close to what alcohol would provide. For a red wine replacement, a splash of balsamic vinegar and some grape or pomegranate juice can infuse your dishes with depth and complexity, though as they are quite sweet, they should also be added in small increments. 

Broths & Stocks

For stews, sauces, and marinades that call for wine or beer, vegetable or mushroom broth are easy non-alcoholic alternatives that can provide a similar richness and depth of flavor. If your dish contains meat and you’re looking for something a little heartier, beef or chicken stock should also work well and will give your dish a nice savory quality.

Non-Alcoholic Extracts

Vanilla extract is used to provide flavor in a wide variety of desserts, but many store-bought versions are made using vodka or other grain alcohols, so be sure to check labels and search for a brand that uses glycerin instead. If you’re making a dessert such as tiramisu or bananas foster where alcohol is a key ingredient, experiment with fruit juices or non-alcoholic extracts to achieve your desired flavor sans booze.