How to Prepare Dishes For the Dishwasher

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

So many people take basic kitchen appliances for granted. Then again, it’s not always necessarily their fault, because they’re simply not educated about how things work. Take the dishwasher, for example. Some people take the dishwater title pretty literally, believing that it’ll wash their dishes without any help from them. However, it’s super crucial to properly prep dishes before actually putting them into the dishwasher, and here’s how to do it.

Removing Larger Items

The first thing you must do is remove all of the excess large items into the garbage. For instance, if you’re cleaning a large china plate, take a separate fork and shovel everything on the plate into the trash, ensuring that none of that stuff eventually finds its way into the dishwasher.

A Proper Rinse

Once your dishes are clear of all larger items, it’s time to give them a proper rinse. This is pretty much the last step your dishes will go through before you put them into the dishwasher, so make it count. Use hot water and allow all of the random junk to clear off of the dish.

Remember, the dishwasher is a powerful item, but the easier its job, the longer it’ll last for years to come. It’s your responsibility to make sure that your dishwasher doesn’t have to go overboard with its duties, so make sure you do that!