How To Master The Baked Avocado Egg

Photo by nhu.nguyen__/Instagram

It is no secret that avocados and eggs are best friends. They go so well together no matter how you cook the egg on top of an avocado toast, they both pull together dishes, and they make anything creamier, brighter, and much more delicious. Someone not so long ago realized that combining them in the most ultimate way possible was to actually go ahead and cook the egg inside the avocado. This genius trick takes your two favorite breakfast items to the next level, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll never go back.


  1. Start off by picking a ripe avocado. Open it in half by circling the fruit with a knife lengthwise.
  2. Pull the two halves apart and place them in a baking dish or ramekins.
  3. Scoop out a bit of avocado from the center so the egg has enough room to sit in it. Put the extra avocado to the side or eat it right there for a little snack!
  4. Crack an egg into each of the halves.
  5. Sprinkle over some paprika, salt, and pepper onto the eggs.
  6. Cook in the oven at 425F for about 15 minutes or until the whites of the eggs are totally cooked through.