How to Make Your Nonstick Pans Last

Photo by Regimantas Danys on Pexels

Once you’ve picked out the perfect cookware, chances are that you’ll want to do everything to ensure that it lasts, especially when it’s an expensive, high-quality product like a nonstick pan. Still, taking care of such kitchenware can prove complicated. Here are some effective tips to help you ensure that your nonstick pans last and remain in top condition.

Low Heat Washing

Washing your pans at a high heat erodes the protective film on them. While doing so a few times most likely won’t make much of a difference, avoid turning this into a habit. Make sure to wash your dishes at a cold or medium heat.

Avoid Dishwashers

Dishwashers are super helpful when it comes to cleaning, being both convenient and efficient to use, not to mention requiring minimal effort on your part. Still, not everything is suited to dishwashers. Given the chemicals in dishwashers, it’s generally not a good idea to use them to wash nonstick pans. In order to protect the coating of your nonstick pans, stick to washing them by hand.

Using Cooking Sprays

While your pan may be nonstick, it’s always a good idea to give it the right assistance in order to protect it and keep it effective at its job. A lot of cooking sprays take away the pan’s stickiness they do wear out the coating, so make sure to use cooking sprays only when essential.