How to Make Vegan Melted Cheese

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

If you want to try going vegan but just can’t seem to part ways with cheese, try out this vegan melted cheese recipe. It’s hard to believe that you can actually replicate the texture and flavor of melted cheese, but this recipe will get you pretty close! You can use it for nachos, quesadillas, or even sandwiches! For this recipe you will need to use RAW cashews that have to be soaked in water prior to using. Instructions for soaking the cashews are included below. This quick and easy, and all you need is a blender or food processor to make it!


  • 1 cup raw cashews
  • ¼ cup nutritional yeast
  • ¾ cup water
  • ¼ cup non-dairy milk
  • Garlic powder (to taste)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)


  1. Soak the raw cashews in 3 cups of water for 2 hours.
  2. Drain the cashews from the water and add to the food processor or blender.
  3. Add nutritional yeast, water, non-dairy milk, and seasonings to the food processor or blender. Blend until all ingredients are combined. Add more water to thin out the sauce to your desired thickness. If you decide to add more water, blend again until smooth.
  4. Add your vegan cheese to your favorite dishes and enjoy!