How to Make Top Quality Baked Potatoes in Less Than 30 minutes

Baked potatoes in a bowl
Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

Baked potatoes are both delicious and nutritious, but they take hours of oven time to cook properly. This is obviously not good if you’re in a rush or trying to keep down your energy bill. Fortunately, you can cook a baked potato all the way through in the microwave in about 10-15 minutes. Let’s get started!

How It’s Done

Simply pierce the potato with a fork all the way around and cook it on full power for about 14 minutes, turning it halfway through. Never put the potato into the microwave without piercing it as this will make it explode, ruining your dinner and your microwave!

Testing It

Next, you can test when the potato is ready by spearing it with a fork. If the potato slides off of the fork, this means that the potato is nice and fluffy inside, and ready for eating!

The Last Step

At this point, you can jump straight into eating your potato, but the skin will be soft as though it’s been boiled. If you want to enjoy a potato that feels like it’s been baked for over an hour, a neat trick is to pop your microwaved potato into the oven for 10 minutes at 425 F. This will leave the skin lovely and crispy while the inside is still soft and fluffy. When the skin has crisped up, you’re ready to go!