How to Make Crispy Aromatic Duck Pancakes

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

This crispy aromatic duck recipe will have you making Chinese pancake rolls like a professional. The texture and flavors of the crispy, juicy meat complement the tangy aromatic liquor to perfection.

Gather Ingredients

For this recipe, you will need 4 duck legs, 1 tablespoon Szechuan peppercorns, 1 teaspoon cloves, 6 sticks cinnamon, 4 spring onions, 6 tablespoons Chinese rice wine, 8 tablespoons of brown sugar and soy sauce, 3 teaspoons salt, 2 pints chicken stick, sliced fresh ginger, Chinese pancakes, spring onions, cucumber, and hoi sin sauce.

Prepare Aromatic Liquor and Duck

Mix all the ingredients for the aromatic liquor in a large pan and add the duck legs. Leave in the fridge overnight—so the flavors infuse.


When you’re ready to cook, put the pan on a high heat and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and let the mixture simmer for 1 hour 15 minutes or until the meat falls easily off the bone.

Remove Duck and Grill

Carefully remove the duck legs from the simmering aromatic liquor and heat under a hot grill until the skin goes crispy.

Serve Aromatic Duck Pancakes

Fork the meat from the bone and serve in warm Chinese pancakes. Add spring onions, cucumber and hoi sin sauce before wrapping up pancakes.