How to Keep Open Kitchen Shelves Neat and Organized

Kitchen shelves
Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash

Open kitchen shelves became a major home décor trend in recent years, but keeping them neat and organized doesn’t always come easy. If you’re failing to achieve the Pinterest-friendly look that you’re aiming for, here are three tips that will help you use your shelves as a stylish and functional addition to your kitchen.

Stylish Display

Open shelves aren’t just another storage space in your kitchen, but a place where you can express your creativity. Instead of using them to store whatever comes to mind, use them to display a thoughtful selection of items, but avoid the urge to keep piling up to avoid clutter.

Mix Things Up

Putting dishes on your opens shelves is the most practical way to use them, but it’s not the only option. You can also turn your shelves into a tiny art display by adding cookbooks, framed art, and potted plants to the mix.

Function Over Style

We all want our open kitchen shelves to look stylish, but remember it’s important to put function over style. Things that you use frequently should be easy to reach, so place items on shelves accordingly. Constantly reaching under the counter to find plates, bowls, and mugs that you use every day pretty much defeats the purpose of open shelves.