How to Hack Your Sandwiches

Sandwich tips
Photo by aliet kitchen on Unsplash

Sandwiches are great, even when they’re simple. But they’re even better when you take them to the next level by following one of the suggestions below. Just be careful: deliciousness levels will be dangerously high.

Cut Diagonally

This might go without saying, but we’ll include it anyway just in case you don’t know: cut your sandwiches diagonally. Seriously. They taste way better that way, plus it makes it easier to dip them in soup.

Make a Checkerboard Sandwich

If you’ve never tried it, we highly recommend making what we call a checkerboard sandwich. This means putting three different spreads horizontally on one slice of bread and three other spreads vertically on the second slice of bread. When you put them together, you’ll end up with nine different flavor combinations. We recommend trying things like peanut butter, Nutella, almond butter, marshmallow fluff, jam, and honey.

Let Your Tomato Slices Rest Beforehand

Tomatoes add a lot to a sandwich, but their one pitfall is they can make the sandwich pretty soggy. To avoid this, put your tomato slices on a paper towel before you put them on your sandwich so the extra liquid can soak off.