How to Get Your Kids to Eat Veggies

Broccoli and carrots in a pan
Photo by Ravi Sharma on Unsplash

We all know that veggies are super healthy, but it’s a time-old tradition for our children to hate them. What is it about vegetables that makes children detest them so? Is it something innately gross about veggies? We don’t think so. In fact, our kids pick up cues from us more than we realize. So if you want your children to love vegetables, here’s what you need to do.

Love The Veggies Yourself

You might have convinced yourself that you love veggies, and we applaud you for that. But you’re going to have to put on a really good show for your kids because they can see through your lies. They know all your tricks, so if they sense on any level that you’re trying to “get them to do something”, they’ll immediately frame it in their minds as something they can leverage—and thus not do.

Instead of trying to “get them” to eat veggies, treat it like a matter-of-fact thing that was never a big deal in the first place. If you truly love vegetables yourself, this will carry over to your children. If you don’t treat veggies like “boring food”, but rather the tasty gifts of nature that they are, your children will see that and follow suit!