How to Follow a Mediterranean Diet on a Budget

Photo by Anh Nguyen on Unsplash

Time after time, the Mediterranean diet continues to be one the healthiest ones to follow. Mostly plant-based, the diet follows guidelines like eating whole, fresh foods, without the restrictions that are found in most diets. But when you’re trying to be cost-effective, it’s difficult to follow diets without breaking the bank. But one of the biggest misconceptions about the Mediterranean diet is that is has to be expensive. Here are ways to follow it while sticking to a budget.

Buy Seasonal Produce

Plan your meals around whatever fruits and vegetables are in season. This is the best way to get fresh produce without spending lots of money.

Go for Beans and Legumes

Expensive fish doesn’t always have to be part of a Mediterranean diet. Beans and legumes are a cheap alternative that are rich in protein.

Grow Herbs

Start growing your own herbs, so next time you need a sprig of rosemary, parsley, or thyme, you don’t need to buy a whole bunch worth.

Buy Canned and Frozen Food

Canned food or frozen vegetables add tons of nutrients and fiber to meals and they’re extremely cost-effective when you can’t find vegetables in season. Canned salmon or tuna is a great way to add protein to your salads without having to spend lots of money.

Use Leftovers

Use leftover chicken or fish from dinner in your soups or salads for lunch the next day. This way nothing goes to waste, saving you money in the long run.