How to Fix Dishes That Are Too Spicy, Salty, or Acidic

Spicy curry
Photo by emy on Unsplash

We’ve all been there – you spend time preparing a delicious meal only to find it’s turned out too salty, spicy, or acidic. Don’t worry; all is not lost! With a few simple tricks and a touch of creativity, you can salvage your dish and turn it into a culinary masterpiece.

Too Salty

  • Dilution: One of the easiest ways to reduce saltiness is by adding more of the other ingredients to the dish. For soups, stews, or sauces, consider adding more broth, water, or unsalted tomato sauce to dilute the saltiness.
  • Potatoes to the Rescue: Place peeled and diced potatoes into the dish and simmer until they soften. Potatoes have a magical ability to absorb excess salt, leaving your dish more balanced.
  • Acidic Counterpart: Add a touch of sweetness or acidity to balance out the saltiness. A spoonful of honey, a splash of lemon juice, or a few dashes of vinegar can work wonders.

Too Spicy

  • Dairy Savior: Incorporate dairy products like yogurt, sour cream, or coconut milk to tame the spiciness. Their creamy texture will help mellow out the heat.
  • Sweet Relief: Adding a hint of sweetness can effectively counteract the spiciness. A spoonful of sugar, maple syrup, or agave nectar can work wonders.
  • Neutral Base: Increase the volume of your dish by adding more vegetables or grains. This will help distribute the spice and reduce its intensity.

Too Acidic

  • Neutralizing Bases: Adding ingredients like cooked rice, cooked potatoes, or bread can help neutralize the acidity and restore balance.
  • Creamy Additions: Just like for spiciness, dairy products like sour cream, yogurt, or coconut milk can be used to tone down acidity.
  • Sweetness & Fat: Combining sweetness and a touch of healthy fats, such as olive oil or avocado, can help counteract acidity.