How to Choose the Right Air Fryer for You

Air fryer
Image via halocraft/Depositphotos

With the ability to cook an entire meal on your behalf with a minimal amount of oil, air fryers truly are a technological breakthrough in the cooking world. Still, with so many options out there, choosing the right air fryer for your kitchen can prove challenging. Here are some tips to help you choose the right air fryer for you.

What Are You Cooking?

Many air fryers come with preset cooking modes, such as chicken, fish, or vegetables. Consider what dishes you’re looking to prepare as an air fryer with the right presets will save you both time and effort.

How Much Are You Cooking?

Because air fryers come in different sizes, it’s important to consider how much food you need to cook. Think of how many people live in your household and if you often like to entertain guests.


Some air fryers are more bare bones, while others provide accessories such as baking trays, racks, and other utensils. If these accessories are items you use often, then they may make the air fryer in question worth your while.