How to Approach Junk Food On Your Cheat Day

Person holding burger
Photo by Blake Guidry on Unsplash

Let’s be real, you can have the most self-control in the world—but some foods in this world were just meant to be drooled over. It’s a tough reality, but that’s what makes diets so rewarding if you’re able to stay strong. However, there are different approaches to eating healthily. Some like to go cold turkey, while others like to have something called a “cheat day”. If you’re thinking about doing the latter, here’s how to approach it.

Meal, Not Day

Instead of calling it a “cheat day”, we’d recommend calling it a “cheat meal”. Instead of focusing on the whole day as a day where anything goes, we’d recommend coin-balling it into one meal, and one meal alone. We find that things can get dicey when you call it a day, whereas a meal allows you to consolidate your indulgence and not feel so bad about it.

Enjoy Yourself

We’d like to hammer home this idea about truly enjoying yourself. If you’re on a diet, chances are you’ll feel guilty about eating junk food, but you really shouldn’t. By keeping it consolidated to one meal, you can rest assured knowing that you’re going back to your regular routine once it’s done.