How Much Ice Cream is Too Much During a Diet?

Ice Cream
Photo by Lama Roscu on Unsplash

When it comes to managing your diet, many experts suggest finding a balance that allows you to enjoy your favorite treats without overindulging in them. A great example of this is ice cream, which is one of the most popular desserts out there. It can be tough to bid farewell to it entirely, but thankfully you don’t have to. The question is, what’s the right amount of ice cream that you should be allowed to eat per week?

The Right Frequency

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer as it varies for each person. However, if ice cream is your ultimate weakness, consider enjoying it once a week. Dedicate a specific day to be your “ice cream day”, and make it count. Visit your favorite ice cream store, get your favorite toppings, and enjoy it.

Analyzing Portion Control

Then again, portion size also plays a crucial role in this equation. If you’re having a few bites occasionally, you can actually do this a few times throughout the week. But if you’re going all out, limiting it to once a week might be wiser. One or two scoops per week should be a good goal to strive for as a satisfying compromise. By finding the right balance, you can savor the awesomeness of ice cream while also keeping your diet on track.