How Long Can Garlic Last Before it Turns Bad?

Garlic tips
Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Garlic is a must-have food item in every kitchen. Besides having multiple health benefits, it also serves as an essential ingredient in many recipes and gives dishes a richer flavor. But despite its popularity, many people don’t know how long they can keep garlic in their pantry before it turns bad.

Up to Six Months

This puzzling question was recently answered by food waste expert Wen-Jay Ying, who revealed that garlic can last up to six months if stored properly.

According to Ying, the garlic we buy in grocery stores is actually dried garlic. Through the process of curing, the garlic receives its familiar dry skin, which protects it from moisture and extends its shelf life.

But the barrier will be effective only if you keep the garlic whole. If you separate it into individual cloves, it will turn bad in a matter of weeks.

Store Cold and Dry

Ying recommends that you always keep the garlic whole and separate it only when needed. Also, the best place to store garlic is somewhere cold and dry since moisture is the main reason why the garlic turns bad.

In case you have a lot of garlic, and you don’t know what to do with it, Ying says that freezing pre-sliced garlic can keep it in good shape for a prolonged period.

Signs That It Turns Bad

If you had bad luck and your garlic turned bad, you will easily spot it. Change of color, green sprouts, and dark spots are good signs that the garlic lost its quality. Also, if you feel the garlic is soft, you are better off throwing it in the trash and buying another one.