How Cooking Is Healthy For The Soul

cooking together
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

When it comes to cooking, there are so many different reasons for doing it yourself. Sure, we could all go about our lives letting others cook for us and eating out at restaurants, but we’d be doing ourselves a massive disservice. One of the reasons for this is because cooking is actually incredibly healthy for the soul—and here’s why.

You’re Giving To Others

The first reason that cooking is healthy for the soul is because more often than not, you’re cooking for someone else. The act of doing something for someone else, especially when that particular thing is feeding them, is something that enriches your heart, spirit, and soul like nothing else could.

You’re Creating Something

Another great thing about cooking is that you’re literally creating something. You’re taking raw ingredients that came from the earth and putting them together in a beautiful fashion, and that almost makes you an artist of some kind. Artists often say that their work enriches their soul, making cooking great for the soul as well.

You’re Finding a Passion

Finally, another reason that your soul may benefit from cooking is that you might find yourself incredibly passionate about cooking down the line. When a person is passionate about something, it’s a great feeling—and this is why cooking certainly doesn’t hurt in that regard.