Here’s Why You Should Drink More Seltzer

Sparkling Water
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Out of all the various drinks out there, one that’s criminally underrated is seltzer. Of course, this idea in itself is somewhat subjective—but from where we’re sitting, seltzer is one of those drinks that people should be drinking more. If you haven’t introduced seltzer, or sparkling water, into your life, here’s why you should.

It’s Super Healthy

First, let’s get the obvious out of the way. It’s got no sugar at all, and none of the other unhealthy ingredients you normally see in soda. It’s essentially just as healthy as water, albeit with some added carbonation.

The Carbonation Provides a Kick

Speaking of its carbonation, that’s the main thing we want to address right now. The true beauty of seltzer lies in the fact that it’s both super healthy and flavorless but has a “kick” carbonation that can really satisfy some people. Indeed, there are certain people who only drink soda for carbonation, so why not just drink seltzer and be healthy while you’re at it?