Here is How to Improve Store-Bought Salsa

Photo by Tai's Captures on Unsplash

Salsa is easy to make at home, but people usually don’t bother with it when it’s still way easier to pick it up in a grocery store. But even if store-bought salsa is your choice, that doesn’t mean you need to settle for an underwhelming taste. Especially since it is so easy to improve it and make it taste almost as good as the homemade version. Here is how.

Freshen it Up with Lime Juice

Salsa in grocery stores is usually sitting for a while on the shelf before you pick it up. To give it some life, just squeeze some lime juice in it and mix. The fresh lime juice will immediately brighten up all the other flavors. Just make sure not to overdo it, and add lime juice gradually while tasting the salsa to achieve the best results.

Add More Ingredients

Another way to bring a store-bought salsa back to life and give it better flavor is to add more ingredients. For example, a bit of chopped cilantro and diced onions will do wonders for its texture and taste.

Spice it Up

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of squeezing limes and dicing onions, then your spice rack can come in handy. Adding some cumin, oregano, and even cinnamon will bring complexity to store-bought salsa and mask the bland taste that comes with it.

Mix In Some Hot Sauce

Finally, for the quickest and easiest improvement, turn to your bottle of hot sauce. Even just a few teaspoons of hot sauce can elevate store-bought salsa significantly and turn it into an exciting dip.