Greens Are Just Great!

Image by marijana1 from Pixabay

If you are interested in diversifying your menu and adding healthy alternatives, you should add lots of refreshing and healthy greens to your diet. 

Green leaves are considered a superfood, because they contain a high concentration of important nutrients, and they are simply yummy.

Some recommended greens are green leaves (and lots of them)—herbs, broccoli, kale, zucchini, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, celery, sprouts, artichokes, zucchini, asparagus, apples, kiwis, seaweed, and wheatgrass.

You can enjoy greens in salads, stews or a healthy green smoothie.

A smoothie is the most recommended option, since in its preparation the blender separates the green ingredients and grinds them, so it is easier for the digestive system to digest and absorb the various ingredients than when chewing fruit or vegetables whole. The blender also preserves the dietary fiber, enzymes, vitamins and minerals found in vegetables and fruits.

Green leaves strengthen you and keep you healthy and encourage the activity of the immune system and are rich in vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin C and K. These vitamins strengthen the immune system and act as antioxidants and protect the cells.

Green leaves are known in many studies as disease preventers and are a great addition to any meal.