Great Reasons Why You Should Start Eating Slowly

Eating slowly
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

We always hear that eating our food slowly is a good eating habit that has many benefits. Here are a few powerful reasons why you should always take time to chew food better and not rush through your meals.

Better Digestion

When you take time to chew food, your stomach will have an easier job digesting so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that people who eat slowly have better digestion.

Lose Weight

Studies have shown that people who eat slower actually consume fewer calories, which is why this habit can be great for those who are trying to lose weight. That’s because our brain needs time to realize our stomach is full, so if we eat slowly we’re less likely to overeat.

Enjoy Your Food

Eating your meals more slowly is not just about boosting metabolism and improving health. Your favorite foods, like sweets or pizza, will definitely taste better if you take some time to really enjoy the flavor.

Less Stress

Rushing through a meal can be really stressful even if we don’t realize that. Practicing mindful eating and taking time to enjoy food is good for reducing stress and anxiety.