Great Foods to Eat When You’re Stressed

Sweet potatoes fries assorted on a sheet
Photo by Sarah Gualtieri on Unsplash

We all feel stressed from time to time and that’s when we usually reach for unhealthy comfort foods such as sweets or potato chips. These foods are not only unhealthy and packed with calories, but they also won’t help you feel better. Here are some stress-relieving foods to eat instead.


Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, can have a relaxing effect on our body and brain, so try to add this fatty fish to your diet.


Studies have shown that food rich in magnesium can be of great help when it comes to reducing stress. Spinach is a nutritious leafy green that is packed with magnesium, and therefore it’s a great food you can eat when feeling stressed.


This powerful yellow spice contains curcumin, a substance that has stress-relieving and anti-anxiety properties. That means that adding turmeric to your meals can help reduce stress levels.

Sweet Potatoes

Another healthy veggie you can eat to fight stress and anxiety is sweet potato. This underrated food is packed with fiber and carbohydrates, and therefore it can boost serotonin and help you feel better.