Gordon Ramsay Teaches How to Make “Curry in a Hurry”

Screenshot via Gordon Ramsay/YouTube

On his personal YouTube channel, Gordon Ramsay has a series called “Ramsay in 10”. The goal of this series is to show viewers how to make dishes quickly and without stress. In one episode that he posted during the first lockdown, Ramsay made a curry in 10 ten minutes—or a “curry in a hurry” as he called it. Here’s the basic gist of his quick recipe!

Saute Some Veggies

Grate half a butternut squash and one full red onion, and then toss it into a frying pan with olive oil. As the squash and onions are frying, add salt and curry powder into the mix. Then, add some chopped red chili and grated ginger to the frying pan as well.

Give It Some Texture

Now it’s time to toss in some raw chicken, or tofu if it’s vegetarian. While that’s cooking, throw in some peas and spinach to give the curry some nice texture.

The Final Step

Finally, add in around a cup of coconut milk and a half cup of chicken stock. This will give the curry that sauce-like feel that you’ll want if you’re mixing it with a side dish of rice. Let it cook for five to ten minutes while mixing periodically, and you’re done!