Getting to Grips with a Pineapple

Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

A pineapple is not the easiest fruit to cut. If you don’t know what you’re doing, half the pineapple will go to waste. The other half will come out looking a bit battered and bruised. Ever wondered how it’s done? Here are some tips for the next time you need to cut a pineapple:

Lay the pineapple down sideways. Cut off the top end and the bottom end of the fruit.

Turn the pineapple up again. The skin will now be on the sides as you hold it. With a knife, carefully cut the skin off the pineapple. Cut as close to the skin as you can. If you cut thick layers, you’ll lose a lot of the pineapple.

Once the skin is shaved off, cut the pineapple in half from top to bottom. Cut each half in half again. You now have 4 pieces.

Hold each piece upright and cut the core out. Cut the piece in half again after removing the core. You now have 8 pieces.

Cut the pieces into neat triangles.

There you have it: professionally pared pineapple just waiting to be eaten and enjoyed! Add it to fruit salad, pizza, or a jug of Sangria.