Get Ready to Pick Up These Spring Veggies

Spring veggies: spinach
Photo by Elianna Friedman on Unsplash

Spring is in full swing, with warmer temperatures, rainy days, and blooming flowers marking the transition from the coldest to the warmest months of the year. This season also offers up a variety of produce options that are in-season and delicious to pick up from your local stores. Here are three vegetables that you should keep on your list this spring.


Artichokes are one of our favorite veggies and the base of many a great dip. Not only this, but their hearts are delicious in salads and they’re also a perfect candidate for grilling when making steaks or hamburgers outdoors.


Carrots are another great spring vegetable that comes into the peak of its flavor during the month of April. Use them as a healthy snack food, a baked side dish, or you could even incorporate them into dishes such as beef stews and roasts.


Our favorite salad base is spinach, and those of us who like this leafy green vegetable are in luck during the spring because that’s when it comes into season. It can also be used as a sauteed side dish, as an omelette ingredient, or even in a dip where you could combine them with artichokes!