Freezer Staples For Any Beginner Vegan

Photo by Taylor Kiser on Unsplash

When you change your diet to veganism, a lot will change. You will definitely have to cook more and plan out your meals, since not everywhere you go will have vegan options. Sometimes it can get a bit tiring, but there are easy steps you can take to make it more manageable. Here are some staples you absolutely should have in your freezer if you are trying to go vegan!


Soups are always good to have in the freezer because they defrost easily and can be a really filling meal! Freezing a pureed soup is best because it’s smooth and will freeze easier. You can make things like pumpkin soup, zucchini and dill, or even tomato soup and pop it in the freezer for later.


Frozen fruit and berries, especially bananas, are vital to have in your freezer. The best is to buy them in season and freeze them yourself. You make protein packed smoothies, smoothie bowls, or ice creams! The possibilities are endless.


Nuts can be stored at room temperature or in the fridge, but they stay longest in the freezer. Nuts are a great source of protein, so keep them around for an easy snack or to add to other dishes.