You Should Throw These Foods Out Of Your Fridge

Photo by nrd on Unsplash

Cleaning out the fridge on a regular basis is very important if you want to store your food safely and prevent food poisoning. That being said, it’s not always easy to know which foods to throw out, and when. If you’re not sure, check out our short list of items you should throw out of the fridge right now.

Expired Condiments

We all have some old bottles of ketchup, mayonnaise, hot sauce or any other condiment that has been sitting for a while in the fridge. It’s time to check their expiration date and throw away those that have expired.

Leftover Food

Reusing leftover food is a great way to reduce food waste, but keep in mind that leftovers can be stored in the fridge for two or three days—after that it’s best to throw them in the trash.

Food With Mold

Keeping rotten food in the fridge is obviously a terrible idea because it smells bad and, most importantly, can compromise other food in your fridge. That’s why it’s important to clean your fridge at least once a week and discard any food with mold.

Shriveled Produce

Some veggies, fruits, and herbs can be stored in the fridge for a while but if you have some wilted produce in the fridge, that’s a sure sign it’s time to toss them out.