Foods That Are Supposed to Improve Mental Health

Foods that improve mental health
Photo by Arwin Neil Baichoo on Unsplash

In this day and age, people are thinking more and more about the overall effects that food has on us. This is true not just from a bodily perspective, but from a mental and emotional perspective as well. People are learning that there are certain foods that can actually make us feel happier—and here are a few that make the list.

Dark Chocolate

It should come as no surprise that dark chocolate would make this list. It’s arguably one of the most feel-good foods there is, from its rich sweetness to its proven health benefits. It improves mood, concentration, and even helps the blood flow to your brain. According to the British Pharmacological Society, cocoa can actually improve your cognitive performance, and all of these factors ultimately improve your mood as well!


Beets aren’t the most conventional thing to eat, and yet they’re super healthy. Beets have something called betaine in them, a substance that helps with our brain’s production of serotonin—effectively improving our mood when we eat it. In addition, beets have a ton of folic acid, which is said to help with mental and emotional wellbeing.


There’s a reason that honey is a much better alternative to sugar. It has compounds such as kaempferol and quercetin, which reduce inflammation, keep your brain healthy, and help fight depression. Honey is also super effective at strengthening your antibacterial properties, which help fight illnesses that are related to sadness.