Five Things You Can Do With Flour

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Flour is not used for baking alone. It is also an excellent household item used for cleaning, preservation and creating. Read on below to discover things you can do with flour!

Clean Playing cards

You can clean a deck of greasy playing cards with flour. Drop the cards into a bag with ¼ cup of bread flour. Shake it and take it out individually. Flick the flour on the sink. The flour will soak up all the oils.

Makeshift Clay

Kids can use flour clay to play. It is safer, inexpensive, non-toxic and organic. Use 3 cups of flour, ¼ cup of salt, one cup of water and a teaspoon of vegetable for this. Drop some food coloring in the mix and knead until it reaches the desired consistency.

Polish Metals

Mix flour, white vinegar, and salt together until a paste is formed. Scrub it over steel, copper, chrome or aluminum. It gives it a good shine. Allow the paste to dry on your metal before scrubbing.

Protect Your Spuds

Sprinkle flour on potato plants to drive away ants and other bugs without the use of chemicals.

Ripen avocados

If you need to hasten the process of ripening your avocados, place them inside a bowl with flour. They will ripen in a day or two.