Essential Tips and Tricks for Reheating Food

Reheating food
Photo by Casey Lee on Unsplash

Reheating food should be easy, right? You just pop it into an oven or a pot, get it hot, and dig in. Well, it turns out there is more to reheating than meets the eye. If you want your reheated food to be flavorful and safe to eat, you’ll need to use some tips and tricks. Check them out below.

Preheat for Reheat

Before reheating food, you should always preheat your oven, pan, or grill. If you skip this step, the process will take longer, and the food won’t be reheated equally.

Chop Your Food

The food will reheat quicker and better if you chop it into small chunks as large pieces of food need longer to reach the required temperature.

The Method is Important

Use different methods for different kinds of food. As a general rule, use the method you used to cook it. For example, chicken fingers or fries will reheat best and keep the flavor better in an oven than in a microwave.

Raise the Temperature

You should aim for high temperatures when reheating most dishes in order to kill all the germs and bacteria. Soups and stews should be brought to boiling while meat and other dry food need to be steaming hot.

Avoid Reheating Multiple Times

You should avoid reheating the same leftovers more than once. Otherwise, you are risking food poisoning while the food itself will significantly lose its quality.