Easy and Fun Recipes You Can Make With Your Kids

Pizza Bagels with cheese and pepperoni
Image via Pixabay

Let’s be honest: being a parent is incredibly tough. And it’s even harder when you’re the only one at home to watch the kids, and you have to somehow cook meals for them at the same time. Luckily, the two activities don’t have to be mutually exclusive. There’s a way you can both cook for them and watch them at the same time. If you invite them to help you cook, you’ll give them a fun activity, teach them a new skill, and keep them fed as well! Here are some great recipes to make with them.

Pizza Bagels

Obviously, it’ll be your job to cut the bagels in half, but once that’s done, your kids will get a huge kick out of putting the sauce on the bagel and sprinkling the cheese. It’s also a very kid-friendly dinner for them to eat, from its tastiness to its practicality.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

When it comes to chocolate chip cookies, there are endless activities for your kids to enjoy. Plop them down near the mixing bowl and give them ingredients to pour into it, using the proper measurements (obviously). Once the cookie dough has been made, aside from allowing them to taste some of it, show them how to shape the dough into cookies. When the cookies are done, they’ll be delighted at what they’ve created.

French Toast

French toast also offers many easy things for your kids to do. Once you’ve got your egg batter, allow them to dip each piece of bread into the egg batter. Then, you’ll take it back from them and place it on the skillet. It’s not the healthiest meal, but they’ll absolutely love you for it.