Don’t Forget to Buy These Summer Vegetables and Fruits Before Their Out of Season!

Summer is close to closing up, and before it does, make sure you use these summer products to the max!

Peaches and Nectarines

Peaches and nectarines embody so much of what summer is all about. They’re sweet, juicy, and work well in so many different dishes. You can use them raw in salads, grill them for sweet or savory applications, bake them into pies, or create preserves! However you like them best, stock up on them now before you say goodbye to them until next summer.


Tomatoes are best when you buy them in the summer, even though they are available all year long at the farmers’ market. If you want the best tasting tomatoes, run out and buy them now because they won’t be the same when you buy them in the winter months. Now is a great time to make a tomato sauce out of them and store it in the freezer to use during those cold months when you just want something comforting and warm in your belly.


Corn is, of course, a summer product that you really cannot find in the stores after summer is over. Eat it in corn puddings, boiled, grilled, or even freeze it yourself to get that fresh summer taste all year long.