Do You Know What a Kumquat Is?

Kumquat tree on display outside
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Out of the endless fruits in the world, one of the most interesting out there is the kumquat. A small fruit with great potential, it has many benefits that are not widely known. Here’s what you should know if you’re intrigued by this mysteriously delightful fruit.

What is a Kumquat?

Kumquat is a citrus fruit that looks like a very small orange, the size of an olive. It’s native to Southeast Asia but also grows in some other parts of the world. The word kumquat means “golden orange” and it can be traced back to the 12th century, although it’s probably older.

Kumquat thrives in warm climates, arriving in Europe in the 19th century and to the US quickly after. Kumquat comes in a few varieties, most common of which are Nagami and Meiwa.

Yummy Taste

By now, you’re probably wondering what kumquat tastes like. Its flavor is citrusy, slightly sweet, but also sour and tangy. Surprisingly, the peel is its sweetest part. Just wash it thoroughly and eat the whole thing!

Kumquat can be eaten raw or used in many different recipes. It’s great for making marmalades, it can be pickled, added to meat dishes, and canned as well. The nutritional value of kumquat is impressive. It’s packed with vitamin C and fiber, contains antioxidants, and helps your immune system. Since it doesn’t have too many calories, it’s a great choice for most dietary needs.