Do This When Preparing a Large Meal for a Group

Meal prep
Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

If you’ve been tasked to prepare a large meal for a big group, we feel your pain. Sure, other people make it look so easy to do, and not just that, but they seem to enjoy doing it so much! And yet, you find yourself dreading this task more than anything. Fear not, because you’re not alone. The pressure is real, but we’re here to offer a tip that may help you on your journey.

Make Goals in a Physical Notebook

It doesn’t matter how advanced digital technology gets. Nothing will convince us that “typing” plans into a mobile device or even a laptop is better than physically writing them down in a handy dandy notebook. There’s something so personal and convenient about writing it down yourself, with your own handwriting and unique nuances. You’ll find yourself more likely to follow through on your goals when it’s your own handwriting that’s telling you what to do.

Not to mention the fact that a physical notebook is a lot easier to keep by your side in the kitchen than a phone or laptop. We’re not talking about size—we’re talking about the fact that kitchens are volatile places, and keeping your devices close can cause damage to them. You don’t have that issue with a notebook, which adds to its convenience!