Delicious Plant-Based Swaps for a Healthy Diet

Photo by Dirk Ribbler on Unsplash

Adding more veggies to our diet and going vegan is easier than we usually think. If you’re still not ready to adopt a plant-based diet but you want to eat healthily, here are some easy plant swaps that are both tasty and very nutritious.

Sour Cream < Cashew Cream

Cashew cream is the perfect dairy-free substitute for sour cream. It’s very simple to make at home and you can use it for preparing desserts or to make creamy and rich dips, soups, or pasta.

Red Meat < Mushrooms or Eggplant

There are so many great nutritious foods you can use in place of meat, and eggplant and mushrooms are probably two of the best.

Cow’s Milk < Dairy-free Milk

In case you’re looking for a dairy-free substitute for cow’s milk, then choosing oat milk, almond milk, or soy milk is probably one of the safest and tastiest options.

Butter < Avocado

There’s nothing new to say about the most popular superfood right now. Avocado is a healthy and versatile food you can turn into a nutritious spread and use instead of the not-so-healthy butter.