Cut Down on Food Waste by Properly Planning Your Grocery Shopping

Produce section in the grocery store
Photo by Scott Warman on Unsplash

Almost every household has to deal with food waste, and this nightmare usually starts with your grocery shopping trip. Luckily, you can save money and avoid throwing away spoiled food by properly planning your grocery run.

Plan Ahead

Impulse shopping is one of the main causes of extensive food waste. To avoid it, always go grocery shopping with a list, and if you notice produce that you desperately want to buy, only get it if you can prepare it before it goes bad.

Check Your Fridge

Never go grocery shopping before checking your fridge. If you skip this step, you’ll end up buying things that you already have at home that you’ll eventually throw away.

Grocery Day

You should set aside a day or two each week to do your grocery shopping, giving your food enough time to stay fresh in-between. Don’t buy more than you can eat, especially if you have enough time to go on small grocery runs during the week.

Double Trouble

Limiting the amount of food you’re buying can prevent food waste, but you shouldn’t go overboard. If you have a tendency to eat dinner leftovers the next day, it’s totally fine to buy a double portion of certain products.