Creative Ways To Use Up Leftover Ingredients

Photo by Dennis Klein on Unsplash

Have some leftover veggies in your fridge or stale bread that you don’t know how to use? Think twice before you throw away leftover ingredients from your kitchen, because there are so many ways to turn them into delicious meals. Here’s how you can use up some extra foods from the kitchen.

Salvage Stale Bread

Bread is by far one of the most wasted foods in the world, which is a shame because it can be used even if it’s a few days old. Try to salvage stale bread by making breadcrumbs or toast, or you can add some olive oil, garlic, and tomatoes, and bake in the oven for a few minutes.

Add Hard Cheese to Broth

Throwing that half-dry cheese you have in the fridge would be a huge waste since it’s pretty expensive. Adding cheese to your broths is a great way to use up these leftovers and make this meal tastier in the process.

Make Pizza From Leftovers

Pizza is one of the best comfort foods, not only because it’s delicious, but because you can make it using whatever leftover food you find in the fridge. If you have some leftover cheese, salami, or veggies on hand, that’s more than enough to prepare a tasty pizza for dinner and save some money.

Use Leftover Veggies

When you have some wilting veggies in your kitchen, such as tomatoes, peppers, or zucchini, don’t let them rot because you can easily turn them into a delicious meal like pasta or casserole.