Creative New Ways to Reuse Leftovers

Photo by Richard Bell on Unsplash

Most of us are aware that cutting down on animal products is one of the most effective ways to reduce our carbon footprint, but did you know that food waste is just as much of a problem? In fact, if food waste were a country, it would be the third highest emitter of greenhouse gasses in the world. While we know that not everyone wants to give up meat and cheese, reducing the amount of food you throw out is a simple way to care for the planet and even save yourself money in the process. Read on for some fun ideas on how to take leftovers to a new level. 

Mashed Potatoes

Leftover mashed potatoes aren’t exactly exciting on their own, but with a dash of creativity, you can turn them into a satisfying star dish. One of our favorite ways to use leftover potatoes is by mixing them with some breadcrumbs, shredded cheese, and fresh herbs to make savory potato patties. Just mix shape, then pan-fry in a little oil until golden brown on each side.


Whether you’re working with beef, chicken, pork, or seafood, you can breathe new life into leftover meat by using it as a filling for stir-fried tacos. Chop or shred your meat into bite-sized pieces, then sauté it with some veggies and a packet of taco seasoning. Spoon it into shells and top with a dollop of sour cream.


For a quick and satisfying meal, repurpose leftover rice into stuffed bell peppers. Mix the cooked rice with diced veggies, your choice of protein, and a drizzle of olive oil, then stuff the mixture into bell peppers and sprinkle with some cheese. Cover with aluminum foil, then bake at 350 F for about 30 minutes.