Creating Cold Brew is an Art

Cold Brew Coffee
Photo by Tavis Beck on Unsplash

For many of us, coffee forms a significant part of our day. But when temperatures climb, the desire for having a hot cup of caffeine drops just as significantly. Thank goodness, then, for cold brew. As the name suggests, this coffee is on the chilled side, but there is way more to this drink than a few ice cubes. 

The Grind Game

You can buy coffee that has already been through the grinding process, or you can purchase whole roasted beans and do it yourself at home. If going this route (which will give you a much fresher taste, FYI), aim for a coarse consistency. You’re looking for more sandy beach and less fine flour.

Water Wonders

Water plays a huge role in how your cold brew will turn out. Soaking the grinds in cold or lukewarm water extracts different flavor compounds due to the change in temperature. The golden rule, especially if you’re just starting out, is 1 part coffee to 4 parts water. Make sure to always use filtered water. 

Patience Makes Perfect

If you’re a fan of instant gratification, cold brew is not for you. The grinds need 16-24 hours to soak as anything less will result in a weak brew. The steeping can take place in the fridge. Once done, strain the liquid through a sieve or coffee filter. Your cold brew can be stored in the fridge for up to a week, meaning you can make a large batch at once.