Burger King’s New Whopper is Downright Scary

Everyone is getting in the mood for Spooky Season—even Burger King. The fast-food chain is tapping into its inner Ghostbuster offering its Royal Perks members the chance to find out what’s going bump in the night with a “ghost detector” app. 

The detector reportedly uses an electromagnetic field to pick up paranormal activity, but the use of the ghost detector will find something even better: the Ghost Pepper Whopper.

Complete with a bright orange sesame seed toasted bun which will make a pumpkin question its own color, the new limited-edition burger features a flame-grilled beef patty, spicy queso, crispy jalapeños, bacon, and ghost pepper cheese. The Whopper follows last year’s super spicy Ghost Pepper Nuggets.

As one of the world’s hottest peppers, the Indian chili is considered 170 times spicier than Tabasco sauce, coming in at 1 million units on the Scoville Heat scale. Basically, if you are prone to heartburn, stay far away from this Whopper!

For the rest of you brave souls, the Ghost Pepper Whopper can be redeemed through the Burger King app from October 17 to 31. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!