Boodle Fights: The Art of Asian Cuisine

Each country has their own method on how to dine with their food. In China, long chopsticks are commonly used for consuming meals and duck spoons for soup. While in Korea, using thin and flat steel chopsticks are the norm. In the West, eating with a fork and knife is commonly used. While in places in India, locals usually grab their food by their hands.

Boodle fights is another manner of dining wherein food is laid out on a long plate of banana leaves and people dine with their hands. This method of consuming food is traditionally observed in the Philippines. It’s a fun and hygienic way to eat food, share the joys of life with friends, and to have an overall unique dining experience. If you’ve never tried a boodle fight, you must try it.

Seafood Galore

In the Philippines, seafood is abundant and a main staple in daily cuisine. The boodle fight is one of the best ways to consume food after a long day of island hopping. After swimming at the beach, your tour guides will prepare you a meal made in heaven on a tropical island. What more could you want in life?

Make New Friends

One of the greatest things about boodle fights is you can meet new friends. Considering the fact that the people you’re eating with are picking up the same food – you’ll definitely pick up more than food. You’ll be making new connections too!