Best Ways to Stop Pasta From Sticking to the Pot

Pasta Boiling
Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

Cooking pasta is one of the easiest cooking skills to master, but that doesn’t mean you won’t make a few mistakes along the way. It’s not unusual for pasta to stick to the pot while it’s being cooked, and our brief guide is here to help you stop making this common misstep.

Just Add Water

Pasta usually sticks to the bottom of the pot because of the starch it tends to leave in the water. That’s why it’s always recommended to use a large pot with a lot of water while cooking pasta, to help dilute the starch, thus preventing the stickiness.

Don’t Forget Salt

Adding some salt to the cooking water is also highly recommended because it can improve the flavor of your pasta, in addition to potentially preventing stickiness.

Just Keep Stirring

You should keep your eye on the ball while cooking pasta and stir it occasionally along the way. Stir your pasta as soon as you add it to the water and continue doing the same along the way to prevent it from setting at the bottom and sticking there.

Skip Oil

You might be tempted to use oil to prevent sticking during the cooking process, but this is best avoided. You’ll prevent one disaster while creating another because oil makes it difficult for sauces to cling to the pasta.