Best Ways to Make Your Kale Smoothies More Delicious

Photo by Adolfo Félix on Unsplash

Green smoothies have become super popular in the past few years thanks to the long list of healthy properties they come with. Kale smoothies fall under this category, but if you’re not the biggest fan of their taste, here are three useful tips that will make them better.

Right Type

A lot of people avoid adding kale to their smoothie due to its bitter, peppery flavor. If you happen to be one of them, remember that it all comes down to picking the right type of kale. Using baby kale instead of full stalks can tone down its flavor and make it less bitter.

Right Parts

You may be tempted to drop full kale in your blender and call it a day, but this won’t do your smoothie any good. Kale stems tend to be too tough and fibrous, so it’s best to chop them off and don’t use them in your smoothies.

Right Add-Ins

The best way to mask kale’s bitter flavor is to balance it out with other, more delicious ingredients. Bananas and pineapples are the most popular add-ins that mix well with smoothies, but you should also consider using some honey, peanut butter, or non-fat Greek yogurt to make your kale smoothies more delicious and creamy.